VP Sales as a Service

I act as a VP Sales to cover  the 4 main commercial areas  to transform the future of your commercial team


What aim for

We build the commercial strategy aligned with the company strategy and vision

We develop a new commercial business plan based on reliable but ambitious estimatesand focused on the main commercial metrics

We integrate your company’s goals with the commercial KPIs and goals


Where to play

We translate your TAM in a clean and reliable data base

We define the sales channels to succeed

We create the scoring system to organize and prioritize the efforts

We create the value proposition and the competitor mapping


How to win

We define the commercial process

We build the technology and operations infrastructure

We create the methodology & pro-execution culture

We build the commercial BI


With whom to win

We define the organizational structure

We build the commercial compensation that ensure the success

We create the team blueprint including each role expectation

We construct the people performance review

How we work

With our external VP Sales Service we lead the commercial department ensuring the results in an efficient way


I invest time and our technology to understand the needs of your business. The ambition is  to have a pro commercial team with the highest efficiency and scalability.

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Custom solutions

I adapt our services being focused on the main opportunities of the company. I propose a work scheme, conclusions and define the next steps according to the needs of the commercial department.

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We are 1 more

I integrate our team as one more member to solve the specific needs of the project. I approach the projects in weekly meetings with an operational daily contact.

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My achievements

I grow in a scalable way being the strategic partner of our clients.

Over 40 clients

I have forged strong business relationships with over40 companies, delivering custom strategies for optimal growth.

Over €1 billion managed budgets

My trusted expertise has steered billion-euro budgets towards sustainable growth. Entrust your vision with me, and watch it soar.

Expertise across 40+ countries

I know business in over 40 countries. Let us help you succeed worldwide.